Where should you place your safety signs?
In locations where lighting is good and a sign is mounted in a reasonably prominent position, it is recommended that any symbols be at least 15mm per metre of viewing distance, and any uppercase text be at least 5mm per metre of viewing distance. This should be increased by at least 50% for poor lighting or viewing conditions. Where practical, signs should be mounted close to the observer’s line of sight in the vertical plane.
Signs should be located against a contrasting background, and such that the possibility of it becoming obscured by stacked materials or other visual obstructions is minimised.
For maximum effectiveness, signs should be maintained in good condition, kept clean and well illuminated.
Reference: WorkSafe Victoria Laws and Regulations. In Victoria, workplace health and safety is governed by a system of laws, regulations and compliance codes which set out the responsibilities of employers and workers to ensure that safety is maintained at work.
Where should safety signs be used?
Safety signs should be used in the following areas:
- anywhere containing a risk of serious injury, e.g. a fall risk
- tasks or areas where correct PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) needs to be worn, e.g. hearing protection for noise exposure
- wherever hazards exist that are not immediately obvious to a worker or member of the public, e.g. electromagnetic radiation
- anywhere that vehicles, including forklifts and mobile cranes, commonly travel
- anywhere containing dangerous goods or hazardous substances, including highly flammable or toxic materials
- confined spaces; and anywhere that asbestos currently is or has recently been removed from
Follow these key tips to make sure that the safety signs you use are effective:
- Use simple, clear language
- Ensure the sign is located in an appropriate place, i.e. near the hazard or risk
- Use symbols and diagrams that can easily be understood by all people in your workplace, including people who don’t speak English as a first language
- Use bright colours to ensure the sign stands out
- Make the sign clearly visible, with text large enough to be read from a distance
- Ensure that workers are aware of the sign and know what precautions to take
Here are some samples of our signs in a workplace. Great positioning, clear and professional signage has passed many inspections.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
If you would like to purchase cheap safety signs, please visit Savvy Signs, the future of workplace safety.

Providing digital files that your purchase, download, print and laminate to place in your workplace to guarantee the safety of all your employees and visitors.