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Freedom From Negativity


Want freedom from negativity? One would think so, since negativity equals suffering.

Here is a key-insight to help you gain freedom from what or whom (it’s always your unawakened self) seems to be making you feel so angry, unhappy, frustrated, dissatisfied, pessimistic or just plain negative:

  • Mentally seeking external fixes to end our internal suffering perpetuates our internal suffering.
  • We continue thinking about changing things outside of us as the solution to the negativity we feel inside of us until we finally come to realize the counter-productive futility of that unpleasant effort.
  • No external change possible is going to make you any happier for more than a minute, after which you will feel even more disappointed because what or whom you counted on has let you down once again.
  • You think you need to improve your relationship to be happier without realizing that thinking that way keeps you unhappy.
  • You think you need to improve your financial condition to feel secure until you awaken to the reality that thinking that way keeps you feeling insecure.

Thinking that you need to change some external situation or some other person’s treatment of you to receive freedom from the negativity you feel inside of yourself is like trying to lose weight by snacking on fatty junk food, abandoning physical exercise, adding sugary and buttery deserts to each meal and increasing the amount of food you pile on your plate and polish off.

Working on finding the “right person” is not a viable strategy for gaining freedom from the fear of feeling lonely, left or betrayed. In fact, believing that is a viable strategy is guaranteed to keep you feeling stuck in that fear. Why? For a couple of reasons.

One reason is that you are not addressing the real problem, thereby permitting that problem to fester. You are trying to concoct an outside condition without dealing with the inside state of emotional corruption. This is like trying to clean your kitchen that is indoors by weeding your outdoor garden. The longer you spend in your garden the thicker the kitchen grime grows.

Read more on this article here.

Once you awaken to the truth that “who you really are” is a pure positive being, the journey from there on is all about a gradual dissolution of negativity from the space of your human consciousness.

Freedom from the Influence of Negativity

The quote above came from an interesting article I discovered from Calm Down Mind. The entire article can be read by clicking on this link.

Nothing basic about it, if you want to succeed then you have to achieve. By this I mean do the work, it ain’t going to come easy. Follow this help and I’m pretty sure you will get something out of it. According to Wikipedia, there is the term ‘negative freedoms’. What is that I hear you ask? I had never heard of this term before, so I dug a little deeper.

What are negative freedoms?

Negative liberty is freedom from interference by other people. Negative liberty is primarily concerned with freedom from external restraint and contrasts with positive liberty (the possession of the power and resources to fulfil one’s own potential).

What is negative freedom and positive freedom?

Positive liberty is the possession of the capacity to act upon one’s free will, as opposed to negative liberty, which is freedom from external restraint on one’s actions.